Payment methods and delivery

Payment method

Price transparency and terms of payment
Prices are stated inclusive of VAT and are clearly marked in the respective product information or event information.

  • Payment on account
    You may pay for your order after receipt of the invoice.
    Payments shall be made no later than ten days after the date of the invoice without deduction, quoting the invoice number, to the account stated on the invoice.

    Please use the following account details:
    from Germany
    Account no.: 363 53 92, Routing no.: 760 200 70
    Bank: HypoVereinsbank Nuremberg
    IBAN: DE29760200700003635392

  • Payment via credit card
  • Payment via PayPal
  • Payment via debit charge


When ordering products offered by Bayern Innovativ GmbH (congresses, forums, conference transcripts and studies) there are NO shipping costs.

Deliveries are only possible to delivery addresses in Germany, Austria and Switzerland.